UdeM joins the Science|Business Network
- UdeMNouvelles
The university signs on to the Brussels-based organization as Canada courts Horizon Europe, the EU's key funding program for research and innovation.
Université de Montréal is joining Science|Business, an international network of industry, research and public policy organizations.
Based in Brussels and close to European decision-making centres, Science|Business monitors research and funding programs and holds regular meetings with Europe's most influential players in innovation and public policy.
UdeM joins at a time when Canada is in the process of associating with Horizon Europe, the European Union's key funding program for research and innovation.
This new status will allow Canadian research players to collaborate more closely with this prestigious and well-funded initiative (95.5 billion euros, or more than C$137 billion, for the 2021-2027 period).
The orientations of Science|Business are in line with UdeM's concern with putting science at the service of society and addressing the major global challenges that affect people's daily lives.