War in Ukraine: our experts

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Attention, journalists: UdeM has a number of professors and researchers ready to comment and provide expertise on the situation in Ukraine following the Feb. 24 invasion by Russian forces.

International security and Europe

Frédéric Mérand

Director  - Centre d'études et de recherches internationales

To reach him: frederic.merand(at)umontreal.ca


Russia and Eastern Europe

Magdalena Dembinska

Professor – Department of Political Science

To reach her: magdalena.dembinska(at)umontreal.ca


Russian and regional politics

Guillaume Sauvé

Guest researcher - Centre d'études et de recherches internationales

To reach him: guillaume.sauve.1(at)umontreal.ca


Security in Europe

Emmanuelle Rousseau

Doctoral student, teaching and research assistant - Department of Political Science

To reach her: emmanuelle.rousseau.1(at)umontreal.ca


Russian politics

Ekaterina Piskunova

Lecturer - Department of Political Science

To reach her: ekaterina.piskunova(at)umontreal.ca


International security between the great powers

Michel Fortmann

Honorary professor and lecturer - Department of Political Science

To reach him: michel.fortmann(at)umontreal.ca


International diplomacy

Jocelyn Coulon

Guest researcher - CÉRIUM

To reach him: j.coulon(at)umontreal.ca



Yvan Cliche

Fellow and researcher  - CÉRIUM 

To reach him: yvan.cliche(at)umontreal.ca


Russian history

Yakov Rabkin

Professor emeritus - Department of History

To reach him: yakov.rabkin(at)umontreal.ca


History of NATO

Luca Sollai

Doctoral student and lecturer – Department of History, Department of World Literature and Languages

To reach him: luca.sollai(at)umontreal.ca


Media, propaganda and disinformation

Assistant professor - Department of Political Science

Simon Thibault

To reach him: s.thibault(at)umontreal.ca


Conflict resolution

Marie-Joëlle Zahar

Professor - Department of Political Science

To reach her: marie-joelle.zahar(at)umontreal.ca


Immigration, refugees, children

Associate professor - Department of Geography

Luna Vives

To reach her: luna.vives(at)umontreal.ca


International law, law of war

Miriam Cohen

Professor - Faculty of Law

To reach her: miriam.cohen(at)umontreal.ca

Media contact

  • Sabrina Myre
    Centre d'études et de recherches internationales
    Tel: 1 514 343-6111 poste 50943