UdeM ranks 118th among the world's universities
- Salle de presse
- UdeMNouvelles
In the latest QS ranking, the university posts a 19-place gain over last year's results.
In the latest rankings published today by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), Université de Montréal is ranked 118th among the best universities in the world, up from 137th in last year's rankings by the British-based organization.
Several indicators are taken into consideration by QS to establish its ranking. This year, UdeM scored higher in terms of its reputation for teaching and research and the average number of citations in scientific publications, helping it jump 19 places ahead in the list.
"Seeing that a major francophone university like ours ranks among the best in the world makes me very proud to be rector of Université de Montréal,” said Daniel Jutras, whose mandate began this month.
“The results of this ranking show that our institution's reputation continues to grow beyond the borders of Quebec and Canada,” said Jutras.
“I salute all the members of our community who are consolidating our university's enviable reputation and making it a destination of choice for students and researchers from all walks of life.”
The complete results of the ranking are on topuniversities.com.
Media contact
Geneviève O'Meara
Université de Montréal
Tel: 514 709-4143